Saturday, November 15, 2008

1st Game

Autodesk Smoke Tips & Tricks - 1st Game

Although this game is qualified to be awarded the worst game of the century, but it is the first ever published smoke game !! A game that play on a million dolar machine.
The game is simple, there's a hiden treasure, you move the X around the screen to find it. If you're closed to the treasure, the word 'Close' will appear, if you're far, then 'Far' appear. If you are at the exactly position of the treasure, the word 'Correct!!' will appear.

First, add a axis (axis1), add a 'X' still (axis4), and 3 Texts, as picture above.
Text 1 type 'Far'
Text 2 type 'Close'
Text 3 type 'Correct!!' On text1 transperancy, enter expression :
if(abs(axis4.position.x - axis1.position.x) >150, 0, 100)

On text2 transperancy :
if(abs(axis4.position.x - axis1.position.x) <150
&& abs(axis4.position.x - axis1.position.x)!=0,0,100)
On text3 transperancy :
if(abs(axis4.position.x - axis1.position.x)==0,0,100)
On axis1, select both x & y, enter expression :
Note that sometime 'truerand' will halt the machine. May be you can try this instead :
Next, duplicate the 3Texts branche, and change the expression, just change the 'x' to 'y'.
On text6 : if(abs(axis4.position.y - axis1.position.y) >150, 0, 100)
On text5, just follow text2, and change 'x' to 'y'
On text 4 : if(abs(axis4.position.y - axis1.position.y)==0,0,100)
Move tex4,5,6 below text1,2,3. Text1,2,3 is for X, Text4,5,6 is for Y.

Make you animation 25 frame long. And that's it. You can start play by move the 'X' on screen.
After you success to locate the treasure, you can start a new game by just scroll to another time in timeline.

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