Thursday, October 30, 2008

Music Beat Bar

Autodesk Smoke Tips & Tricks - Music Beat Bar

Here, i got 12 bars that needed to animate according to the music.Add Video
First, i loaded it 12 times, and cropped each one up.I hated to go around and searching for each media's crop to animate it. So, i created a new axis, and name it axisC01. I would used this axisC01 to control all medias' crop.
Media1 (1st left bar) crop top, enter expression : axisC01.position.x
Media2 (2nd left bar) crop top, enter expression : axisC01.position.y
Media3 crop top, enter expression : axisC01.position.z
Media4 crop top, enter expression : axisC01.rotation.x
Media5 crop top, enter expression : axisC01.rotation.y
....follow the above pattern until media12,
Media12 crop top, enter expression : axisC01.shearing.z
Then, i could use just axisC01 to control all my medias' crop. This was much easier to animate than taking the trouble to locate each media's crop.
I manually animated first bar's crop according to the music using axisC01 positionX.
I could do the same with other bar if i wanted to, just copy the animation value from positionX, then add a bit variation to each bar. But, i'm a lazy guy, so i let the expression do it.
In axisC01.position.y enter expression :
position.x + (noise(frame+1)*50)
In axisC01.position.z enter expression :
position.x + (noise(frame+2)*110)
In axisC01.rotation.x enter expression :
position.x + (noise(frame+3)*150)
....followed the same pattern until axisC01.shearing.z,
This way, each bar would have a bit of variation and random movement, but overall still followed the main bar's pattern. And if the music track change, i just need to animate back the 1st bar only.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see this animation in it's final form.

I am not sure abouthe crops with your circle dot design. But if the crops are fast enough it might not bother me. I guess it woul dbe possible to have made a 10 frame clip with progressivly added on dots and then used a variation of the "frame counter" expression to acchieve the effect without havig crop lines.

Nice tips btw... I enjoy them alot.
Great that you are posting these for the masses.


Anonymous said...

thanks of posting this stuff. I would love to see more. I am a fairly new smoke operator and i love learning new techniques. thanks

Chee Keong said...

Sorry, can't upload video here, it take forever to upload a video.

The crop looked fine, cause the animation and music was very fast. In fact, initially i thought the crop wouldn't work, but it end up far better than i expected, it gave the animation some dynamic. Of course, it won't work if the music is slow.

I also have thought of poping out or fade in each circle, but as i'm lazy guy, i always try the easy way out first.

Enric said...

great work!
One question; how do you made the reflection effect show it in the last picture? it seems like the surface has a mirror quality like Combustion reflect can do it with smoke?

Thanks for your tips!

Enric, from Barcelona, Spain

Chee Keong said...

no reflection in smoke, sorry. i just copied the whole branche and rotated it. it was cumbersome to do the transparent one by one, so i just added one more floor layer above all the copied layers, and faded the floor layer instead.