Friday, October 24, 2008

Frame Counter

Autodesk Smoke Tips & Tricks : Frame Counter

Ready a clip, a 10 frame clips with 0 to 9 at the center of screen. Repeat the clip (Video - Repeat - Clip ) few times so it loop. Load it as media 4 times. Arange them side by side.

(Nota that media1 is 1st number, media2 is the 10th number, media3 is 100th number)

In media1, slip & matte slip enter expression :


In media2, slip & matte slip enter expression :


In media3, slip & matte slip enter expression :


Now, play the clip, the frame counter will count every frame. The reason the frame counter is one frame delay compare to the timebar because we start count from 000.

Wait a minute, what if you want to start the counter with 200 instead.

In media3, enter expression :


So, if you want 230, then in media2, expreesion :


Get the idea ? And don't forget to add some motion blur (see the previous tips random counter) .

There's even a more powerful frame counter technique, but no now, next time.

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