Autodesk Smoke Tips & Tricks - Media Strobe Expression
Here i got 2 medias, i want to do the strobe effect inside the DVE.
The strobe expression is :
Just put the above expression in your media's 'Slip' and 'Matte Slip' value, and replace the 'N' in the expression to whatever value you want the strobe to be.
Say '5' will give the result : frame 1,1,1,1,1,5,5,5,5,5,10,10,10,10,10,.....
But here, i not really sure what's the exact strobe i want, i want to keep my option flexible and maybe animate the strobe along the way.
First, i created a new axis, i rename it axisC.
Then in the media 'slip' and 'matte slip' for media1, i enter expression :
In the media 'slip' and 'matte slip' for media2, i enter expression :
Now in axisC, you can use the PositionX parameter to control media1's strobe value, and PositionY to control media2's strobe value. You can try different value right at the schematic without need to go changing the expression. And you can animate the strobe value. If you do animate it, remember to try a different curve (hermite, linear, constant) to see a different result.